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We provide strong business management solutions

G1Global One

"G1", Masterpiece of Logistics Solution

G1 G1
  1. Global logistics solution that changes drastically the business environment of users by supporting various logistics businesses (forwarder/express cargo/warehouse/customs clearance solutions) in many countries.
  2. Web-based global logistics solution that can be used anywhere in the world only by accessing the internet
  3. Global logistics solution that provides important information of businesses and cargo information (cargo tracking/schedule/progress/customer service, etc) for each country in an integrated manner
  4. Global logistics solution that provides a total package of functions including management of country-specific personnel, integrated document management, electronic approval, mobile and business facilitation.

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고객 맞춤형 솔루션서비스 제공

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고객 맞춤형 솔루션
서비스 제공

  • 저희는 기본 업무 외에
    특화된 업무 프로세스가 있는데,
    추가 기능 개발이 가능한가요?
  • 가능합니다. 고객님^^
    G1은 고객사별로 특화된 업무에 맞춰
    커스터마이징 서비스를 지원하고 있습니다.
  • 저희는 내부관리 시스템이 별도로 있어서,
    G1 시스템과 연계가 필요합니다.
  • 네~ G1은 고객님이 운영 중인 시스템과
    G1과의 데이터 연계를 위하여
    다양한 I/F 서비스를 지원합니다.
  • 저희는 여러 국가에서 물류사업
    (창고, 통관, 포워더, 특송 등)을 각각 다른 시스템으로 사용하고 있는데 통합 사용 가능한가요?
  • 물론입니다.
    여러 국가의 물류사업을 운영할 때, G1은 통합된 하나의 글로벌 통합물류솔루션을 제공합니다.
  • Global
  • WEB-based Solution
  • Use of Services
  • Implementation Effect



  • 특화업무

    The solution provides the support for external documents (A.N/ D.O/ INVOICE/ M.F/ DOC/hazardous material, etc) by country, and for development of each customer’s specialization.

  • TAX관리
    Tax management

    The solution provides various tax management functions such as settlement management, electronic tax invoice management, receipt management, RED-INVOICE management and check management for each country.

  • 재무관리
    Finance Management

    The solution provides finance management functions (income statement/financial statement/ledger management/fund management/statement of cash flows, etc) for each country.

  • 화물정보
    Cargo Information

    The solution provides integrated link services between customs declaration support (FWB/ FHL/ ISF/ AMS/ EXCEL, etc) and cargo information (BL/settlement/cargo tracking/schedule. etc) for each country.

WEB-based Solution

WEB-based Solution

  • 인터넷

    You can use our service anytime and anywhere on any device without installing anything for 365 days per year.

  • 모바일

    The solution provides mobile-based business services (notification/business log/progress report/BL checking/customer performance, etc).

  • 부가서비스
    Additional services

    The solution provides web-based additional services (document management/email/e-Fax/text message, etc).

  • B/L정보
    B/L information

    The solution provides cargo & BL information sharing services (customers & partners data/BL information/settlement information, etc) with collaborating companies.

Use of Services

Use of Services

Main Services Premium Standard
Service Details More than 20 employees 5 – 20 employees
Business management Airline management/marine management/land management/express management/clearance management/warehouse management
Shipping management External document management such as Manifest / Arrival Notice / D.O / Shipping Advice / Pre-Alert
Performance management Performance data management by period, customer, sales staff and region
EDI management Manifest/unloading report/ FWB / AMS / AFR / D.O
Linking B/L and account statement by business/overseas customs office EDI
Settlement management Management of the issue of account statements for case-by-case, batch or manual settlement
Settlement management of consolidators
Invoice management Management of issue or non-issue of electronic tax invoice
Accounting management Slips/financial statement/ledger management/fund management/VAT reporting
Payment and withdrawal registration/transaction statement/balance statement
Document management Shipping document management/electronic approval management
Customer service Shipper service/partner service/settlement management
Office management by country Company-wide integrated management /performance/cargo volume/finance/fund management
Main Services Premium Standard
Service Details More than 20 employees 5 – 20 employees
Business management

Business management

Airline management/marine management/land management/express management/clearance management/warehouse management

Shipping management VIEW

Shipping management

External document management such as Manifest / Arrival Notice / D.O / Shipping Advice / Pre-Alert

Performance management VIEW

Performance management

Performance data management by period, customer, sales staff and region

EDI management 1 VIEW

EDI management 1

Manifest/unloading report/ FWB / AMS / AFR / D.O

EDI management 2 VIEW

EDI management 2

Linking B/L and account statement by business/overseas customs office EDI

Settlement management 1 VIEW

Settlement management 1

Management of the issue of account statements for case-by-case, batch or manual settlement

Settlement management 2 VIEW

Settlement management 2

Settlement management of consolidators

Invoice management VIEW

Invoice management

Management of issue or non-issue of electronic tax invoice

Accounting management 1 VIEW

Accounting management 1

Slips/financial statement/ledger management/fund management/VAT reporting

Accounting management 2 VIEW

Accounting management 2

Payment and withdrawal registration/transaction statement/balance statement

Document management VIEW

Document management

Shipping document management/electronic approval management

Customer service VIEW

Customer service

Shipper service/partner service/settlement management

Office management by country VIEW

Office management by country

Company-wide integrated management /performance/cargo volume/finance/fund management

Implementation Effect

Implementation Effect

The solution helps you realizing customer satisfaction
with the best quality.

  • Cost reduction

    Cost reduction in program operation thanks to no cost of server build-up and installation, free experience, free training and free update

  • Improved productivity

    Improvement in productivity by using a single Global One Solution for national (& global) logistics works

  • Increased convenience & satisfaction

    Increase in user convenience and customer satisfaction by business response upon the occurrence of irregularities (or faults) to the customers’ cargo no matter where they happen

  • Increased usability

    Increase in information sharing and usability by provision of integrated cargo information services to customers

Free services for all

Free services for all

Yuhan Technos are always there for your successful business-
  • Initial introductory cost: zero

    Initial introductory cost: zero

  • Training service

    Training service

  • Visiting service

    Visiting service

  • Free upgrade on irregularities

    Free upgrade on irregularities

Yuhan Technos are always there for your successful business-
  • Initial introductory cost:<br>zero

    Initial introductory cost:

  • Training service

    Training service

  • Visiting service

    Visiting service

  • Free upgrade on irregularities

    Free upgrade
    on irregularities


02-6277-8043 (Kim Jae-jun)
051-469-3205 (Jung Sung-Woo)

Overseas Branches

+86-21-6208-7971 (Yeom Wu-jeong)
+84-0325-850-635 (Andy Shin)
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